This website specialize in providing detailed postal code information for Mexico, with over 140,000 records currently available. Whether you're looking for a specific area's postal code or want to learn about the related administrative divisions, our website offers comprehensive and accurate data.

Mexico State List

Here is the list of Mexico's first-level administrative divisions, with a total of 32 records. Click the link to get more information about each state and its associated postal codes.

Aguascalientes Baja California
Baja California Sur Campeche
Chiapas Chihuahua
Coahuila de Zaragoza Colima
Distrito Federal Durango
Guanajuato Guerrero
Hidalgo Jalisco
México Michoacán de Ocampo
Morelos Nayarit
Nuevo León Oaxaca
Puebla Querétaro
Quintana Roo San Luis Potosí
Sinaloa Sonora
Tabasco Tamaulipas
Tlaxcala Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave
Yucatán Zacatecas

Postcode Search

This page provides a postal code lookup tool. Follow the steps to select the state, municipality, and settlement to retrieve the corresponding postal code.

Definition of the Mexico Postcode

  • What is the format of Mexico postcode?

    Mexico's postal codes consist of five digits. The first-two digits represent the state or province, the third digit represents the zone or commune, the last two digits represent the locality, district or quarter.

Mexico Postal Code List

Here is the list of Mexico's postal codes. Click the link to get more information about each postal code.

01000 01010
01020 01029
01030 01040
01048 01049
01050 01060
01070 01080
01089 01090
01100 01109
01110 01120
01125 01130
01139 01140
01150 01159

Facts about Mexico Post & Postal Code

  • How do I search for postal codes on the website?

    You can use the search bar on the homepage to enter a state, municipality, or settlement, or use the Mexico Postal Code Search to find the postal code.

  • Can I download postal code data for Mexico?

    Yes, we offer bulk data packages for businesses or developers. You can purchase the data by Mexico Postcode Database. Mexico Postcode Database